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Hazard Perception Test

How The Hazard Perception Test Works

This part of the theory test requires viewing 14 hazard video clips on a computer screen, each approximately one minute long. You are required to watch these clips as if you were the driver. There will be 15 hazards—at least one on each clip. However, one clip will have two hazards.

The hazard clips will not contain any sound.

You click either the left or right mouse button whenever you think you can see a hazard developing. The speed at which you click the mouse button as a hazard develops will determine your score for that particular hazard clip. You can score between 0 and 5 on each hazard.

Therefore, the maximum score you can achieve is 75 (i.e. 15 hazards x 5). To pass, you need a score of 44.

The examination process

The theory test’s hazard perception part starts with a video tutorial on the computer screen. This clip explains how the hazard perception test works and what you must do. At the end of this clip, you have the option to take the test or play the tutorial again.

Each hazard clip starts with a freeze-frame at the start of the video sequence, and a countdown from 10 commences. At the end of the countdown, the clip starts to play, and you must click the mouse button each time you see a developing hazard.

To let you know that the program has registered your click, a red flag will appear on a grey band across the bottom of the screen – one flag for each click you make in any particular clip. At the end of the clip, all the flags will be removed before you start the next clip.

Although each clip contains several potential hazards, only the one that materialises into a natural hazard and involves other road users is marked. This is known as a “developing hazard”. Therefore, you will only receive a score if you spot a hazard before it fully materialises, which is brought about by the action of another road user. You will know if the hazard materialises because the driver must take evasive action (e.g. slow down, stop or swerve out of the way).

How to score

Your score will depend on how quickly you spot the developing hazard. The time from when the developing hazard could be potentially seen on the screen to when the vehicle arrives at the hazard is the time frame or window used to determine your score.

The maximum score that can be obtained for the hazard perception part of the theory test is 75 (i.e. 15×5). To pass the hazard perception part of the car theory test, you must obtain a score of 44. To pass the theory test, you must pass both parts. If you fail either part, you must retake both parts of the test.

From Monday, January 12, 2015, new computer-generated imagery (CGI) clips will replace old filmed clips in the hazard perception part of the theory test.

These new clips will still show everyday road scenes with better, more precise image quality.

The way that the hazard perception part of the theory test works will remain the same, and the pass mark will remain the same.

Watch this video for an example of a CGI clip and how the test works.
