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Driving Test Changes

Driving Test Changes At A Glance

From Monday, 4th June 2018, learner drivers can take driving lessons on motorways with any of our instructors.

This will help ensure more drivers know how to use motorways safely.

Currently, motorway lessons are only available after you’ve passed your driving test. Some newly qualified drivers take lessons through the voluntary Pass Plus scheme.

How the changes will work

Learner drivers will need to be:

  • accompanied by an approved driving instructor
  • driving a car fitted with dual controls

Any motorway lessons will be voluntary. The driving instructor will decide when the learner driver is competent enough for them.

The driving test will change on Monday, 4th December, 2017. The changes are designed to ensure new drivers have the skills to help them through a lifetime of safe driving.

All car driving tests from 4th December 2017 will follow the new format.

This includes if:

  • your pupil fails a test before then and retakes it from 4th December 2017
  • your pupil’s test is cancelled or moved for any reason, and their new test date is from 4th December 2017

Independent driving will increase to 20 minutes

The independent driving part of the test currently lasts around 10 minutes. It will be longer, so it will last around 20 minutes—roughly half of the test.

Following directions from a sat nav

During the independent driving part of the test, most candidates will be asked to follow directions from a sat-nav. If they are unsure, they can ask the examiner to confirm where they’re going.

It won’t matter if they go the wrong way unless they make a fault. One in five driving tests won’t use a satellite navigation system. Your pupil will need to follow traffic signs for around 20 minutes instead.

Reversing manoeuvres will be changed

We’ll ask your pupil to do one of these:

  • parallel park at the side of the road
  • park in a bay – either driving in and reversing out or reversing in and driving out (the examiner will tell them which)
  • pull up on the right-hand side of the road, reverse for two car lengths and rejoin the traffic

The manoeuvre can be done during the independent driving part of the test. The ‘reverse around a corner’ and ‘turn-in-the-road’ manoeuvres will no longer be tested, but you should still teach them. The slow control and accuracy skills will transfer to learning the revised manoeuvres.

Answering the ‘Show me’ question while driving

The examiner will ask the ‘show me’ question (where your pupil shows how they’d carry out a safety task) while your pupil is driving.

For example, they might ask your pupil to show how they’d wash the windscreen using the car controls and wipers. The ‘show me’ question can be asked during the independent driving part of the test. The ‘tell me’ question (where your pupil explains how they’d carry out a safety task) will still be asked at the start of the test before your pupil starts driving.

Pass mark, length of test, and cost not changing

The pass mark is staying the same. So, pupils will pass if they make no more than 15 driving faults and no serious or dangerous faults.

The examiner will still assess the test similarly, and the same things will still count as faults. The overall time of the driving test will also remain the same: around 40 minutes.

The driving test cost will also stay the same.

Why the changes are being made

Road collisions are the biggest killer of young people. They account for over a quarter of all deaths of those aged between 15 and 19.

Most fatal collisions happen on rural or high-speed roads (not including motorways). We want your pupils to spend more time driving on these roads with you and during the test. This will better prepare them for driving on their own. Changing the manoeuvres we test means we won’t need to spend a disproportionate amount of time on quieter side roads. The revised manoeuvres can be carried out more naturally during the test.

Using a satellite navigation system will also help us use better test routes for different types of roads. We currently rely on areas with suitable traffic signs, often urban and built-up areas.
