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Block Booking Prices

Block Booking Driving Lessons

Rather than booking separate lessons and paying for them individually, you can ‘block book’ a minimum of 10 lessons and save money. This is a trendy and cost-effective way to learn to drive.

The advantage of block booking is that it allows you to plan and budget for your lessons in advance. Our experience shows that learners who take block bookings are more likely to succeed in passing the driving test sooner due to their commitment.

Block booking prices can vary if some lessons are taken in the evening. The instructor will advise of the price difference.

We guarantee that the discounted price from block booking lessons will not change, even if you revert to paying for the lessons individually after your initial ten lessons.

The price will remain discounted until you go for your driving test.

Please check availability before making any online payment. Please call: 0208 9335911. Refunds are subject to charges.


A full refund for any intensive course will only be considered for medical reasons supported by a doctor’s letter confirming that you cannot continue the lessons. If a refund is still required after the course has started, the lessons taken will be charged at the total regular price, not the discounted price, and the balance will be refunded via bank transfer.

If a refund is required after a Block Booking has started, the lessons taken will be charged at the total regular price, not the discounted price, and the balance will be refunded via bank transfer.
