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Payment Options

The Payment methods for driving lessons are cash to the instructor or bank transfer.

To book a 2-hour lesson, you must pay in advance via bank transfer to your allocated instructor or the school directly. 

The pupil’s appointment card records payments made to the instructor. The pupil must bring the appointment card to every lesson, ensure that the instructor signs it, and keep it up to date.

Please call & check for availability before making online payments, as refunds are subject to charges.


  • Any application for a refund of payments made in advance for individual lessons must be made to the instructor or driving school within 30 days of the last lesson; refunds will not be considered after that date.
  • Refund claims will only be considered if logged and signed by the instructor on the school appointment card within 30 days of the last lesson.
  • A full refund for block bookings or intensive courses will only be considered for medical reasons supported by a doctor’s letter confirming that you cannot continue the lessons.
  • If a refund is still required after the intensive course or block booking set has started, the lessons will be charged at the total regular price, not the discounted price, and the balance will be refunded via bank transfer.