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Pass 1st Time or the next test is FREE

Our Guarantee

We are the only independent driving school that offers our customers an intensive course in a manual car, with the assurance that if they don’t pass the practical driving test the first time, we are prepared to pay for the next test. Now, how many driving schools can say that?

Intensive Courses – What are they?

Intensive Courses consist of several short daytime driving lessons, with a driving test at the end.

These courses are tailored for pupils wishing to fast-track their lessons and pass the test sooner.

An initial assessment is carried out to establish the number of lessons you may require to prepare for the driving test.

The course can then be spread out over anywhere between 3 days to 3 weeks, depending on your preference, and to comfortably pace the lessons.

How do they work?

For example, if your intensive course consists of 10 lessons, we would book you for a driving test on a Friday and then work backwards. Book a 2-hour lesson from Monday to Friday, the test day.

Intensive Courses are not accessible, nor are they suited for everyone. They are INTENSE.

They are not guaranteed to get you through the test, but we endeavour to prepare each candidate to meet the highest standard possible.

Manual Intensive Courses. Currently unavailable

These prices include the DVSA test fee and the use of the school car on the test day.

From years of experience, we can make the following recommendation;

  • 10 lessons for an experienced driver.
  • 15/20 lessons for a partly trained driver.
  • 25 lessons for a beginner.

Streetwise assurance: Pass 1st time, or the next test is FREE! (Manual ONLY)

The conditions are:

  • You would need to take a minimum of 10 lessons with our school
  • Fail the test on three or more serious or dangerous faults
  • Have your instructor’s approval to sit the test