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Intensive Driving Courses

Intensive Driving Courses – What are they?

Intensive Courses comprise several daytime driving lessons taken over a short period, with a driving test at the end of the course. These courses are tailored for pupils wishing to fast-track their lessons and pass the test sooner.

An initial assessment is carried out to establish the number of lessons you may require to prepare for the driving test.

The course can then be spread out over anywhere between 3 days to 3 weeks, depending on your preference, and to comfortably pace the lessons.

How do they work?

For example, if your intensive course comprises ten lessons, we would book you a driving test on a Friday and then work backwards. Book a 2-hour lesson starting on Monday and ending on Friday, the test day.

Intensive Courses are not accessible, nor are they suited for everyone. They are INTENSE.

They are not guaranteed to get you through the test, but we endeavour to prepare each candidate to meet the highest standard possible.


A full refund for any intensive course will only be considered for medical reasons supported by a doctor’s letter confirming that you cannot continue the lessons. If a refund is still required after the course has started, the lessons taken will be charged at the full normal price, not the discounted price, and the balance will be refunded via bank transfer.
